Fall 2021:
AIS 1243: AIS: Engineering,Math,Sciences A+ 3
CS 1083: Prog I for Computer Scientists A+ 3
EE 1322: Intro to Elec & Comp Engr A 2
MAT 1214: Calculus I A 4
Spring 2022
CS 2073 Comp Prog W/Egr Application IP 3 A
EE 2511 Logic Design Laboratory IP 1 A+
EE 2513 Logic Design IP 3 A
MAT 1224 Calculus II(Q) IP 4 A+
PHY 1943 PhysicsforScientists&EngrsI(Q) IP 3 A
PHY 1951 Physics-Scientists&Engrs I Lab A-
Summer 2022:
CS 1714 Computer Programming II B
CS 2233 Discrete Math Structures B
Fall 2022:
CS 2124 Data Structures 4.000 A
EE 2423 Network Theory 3.000 B
EGR 2323 Applied Engineering Analysis I 3.000 B
PHY 1963 Physics Scientists&Engr II 3.000 B
PHY 1971 PhysicsScientists&EngrIILab 1.000 A-
Spring 2023:
EE 3113 Elec & Comp Engr Lab I 3.000 A
EE 3313 Electronic Circuits I 3.000 A
EE 3423 Math in Signals and Systems 3.000 B-
EE 3463 Microcomputer Systems I 3.000 A
EGR 3323 Applied Engineering Analysis II 3.000 B
Summer 2023:
Application Programming
Artificial Intelligence
Prob and stochastic Processes
Fall 2023:
Electronic Devices
C++ and Data Structures
Special Study: ROBOTICS
Linear Algebra
Digital System Design
Spring 2024:
Senior Design |
Computer Org/ Architecture
Systems Programming
ECE Lab 2
Coding for Data
Summer 2024:
Apple AIML Intensive:
Polynomial regression
Linear regression
Neural network
Binary classification
Multiple classification
Image - video classification
Deep learning
Convolution neural network
Recurrent neural network
Natural language processing
Image classification -CNN
Decision Tree
Random forest
Activation function
Loss function
Regular expression
Spring 2024:
Senior Design ||
Intro to Machine Learning
Embedded Systems